

The Problem

How we helped JDI Direct rebuild their brand image, bring life to their website and let the world know about it.

These guys are experts in flooring, and they’ve got a brilliant line in resin-bound supplies too. They knew their old Shopify site wasn’t cutting it anymore, it just didn’t give their customers the sleek, easy shopping experience they deserved.

JDI Direct wanted to do better. They reached out to us at Aeternum Media and we couldn’t wait to get stuck in. They had some great products and we wanted to make sure their website showed that off. We took their Shopify site and gave it a complete overhaul, putting the focus firmly back on their fantastic range and making sure the site was easy and fun to use.

But JDI Direct weren’t just about sprucing up their website. They had some exciting plans to announce a new sale and wanted to get the word out with some top-notch video content and a Facebook brand campaign. We were right there with them, ready to put our digital marketing know-how to good use.

The solution

Our journey with JDI Direct began with a deep understanding of their brand, their wide-ranging products, and their aspirations to give their customers a superb online shopping experience. We knew that their existing Shopify site needed more than just a tweak, it needed to be redesigned from scratch to truly resonate with the quality and variety of flooring solutions that JDI Direct offered.

Our first step was to restructure their website architecture, ensuring it was not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. We incorporated high-quality images and product descriptions, shot during our bespoke video production, providing an immersive online experience that brought their products to life.

But our solution wasn’t confined to just the website. We wanted to help JDI Direct shout from the digital rooftops about their new sale. We did this by creating engaging video content for a Facebook brand campaign, designed to capture attention and drive customers to their refreshed website. This multi-channel approach ensured that we left no stone unturned in reaching potential customers and delivering an increased brand awareness for JDI Direct.

In the end, the solution we delivered was more than just a website redesign; it was a comprehensive digital overhaul that aligned perfectly with JDI Direct’s ambition to excel in their industry.

What we did

Understanding the transformative power of video content, our team at Aeternum Media embarked on creating a series of professional, high-quality videos for Bellaire Beauty. We produced videos for each major social media platform – Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, to ensure a consistent brand message across channels. The videos were not just visually appealing but also conveyed Bellaire’s commitment to excellence and quality.

Simultaneously, we initiated a paid brand awareness campaign on Facebook and Instagram. This multi-platform approach ensured Bellaire’s message reached a wider audience, bringing more traffic and engagement to their brand.

But we didn’t stop there. Knowing that people connect with faces more than abstract brands, we set out to personalise Bellaire Beauty for its customers. We created professional headshots for all the employees and added a unique feature to the website: a ‘meet the team’ video linked to each headshot. These videos allowed potential customers to connect with the team behind Bellaire Beauty on a personal level, adding a layer of trust and authenticity that translated to increased conversion rates.

Complementing these initiatives, we undertook a comprehensive revamp of Bellaire Beauty’s website, infusing their new brand identity into the design. We built a bespoke website that mirrored the elegance and professionalism of Bellaire Beauty. The new site was not just visually stunning, but also user-friendly and intuitive, contributing to an enhanced user experience.

By unifying all these elements, we helped Bellaire Beauty reposition itself in the beauty industry and stand out from the competition. The result was a significant increase in brand awareness, traffic, and conversions, a testament to the power of a strategic, multi-channel approach to digital marketing.


The results

Upon launching the revamped website and releasing the fresh content from our video production, we were excited to witness a transformative change in JDI Direct’s digital presence. Their traffic soared, with the site seeing a significant increase in unique visitors and page views. Moreover, our metrics indicated that these were not just casual visits; user engagement metrics improved markedly, showing that the fresh content and intuitive design were resonating with users. The brand awareness campaign on Facebook further amplified these positive outcomes, increasing JDI Direct’s visibility and bolstering their reputation. The highlight of this endeavour was the marked rise in sales, affirming that our multi-pronged strategy was not just increasing traffic, but successfully converting these visits into valuable transactions. JDI Direct was thrilled with the boost in their online performance and has since seen sustained growth in their digital reach and business outcomes.